• Nhà sản xuất: ABRIVISION
  • Mã sản phẩm: AB-DVRCB1621
  • Tình trạng: Còn hàng
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Trung tâm tư vấn khách hàng 0977 608 139

DIY Video Input: HD includes AHD, HD-CVI, HD-TVI
HD: Max 16CH@12fps / IPC: Max 16CH@30fps / Analog: Max 16CH@30fps
Vidieo Output: 1xHD Output /1xVGA /1xCVBS
Audio Input/Output: RCA 2CH In/ 1CH Out
Compression Method: H.264 
HD: 1080N/720P, PAL every channel 1fps-12fps adjustable; NTSC every channel 1fps-12fps adjustable;                                                      
Analog: 960H, PAL every channel 1fps-25fps adjustable; NTSC every channel 1fps-30fps adjustable;
IPC: 1080P/960P/720P (Total incoming bandwidth ≤80M), 
PAL every channel 1fps-25fps adjustable; NTSC every channel 1fps-30fps adjustable;  
Preview resolution: 1080P/720P                   
Playback: Support single channel/sixteen channels mode.
Hexaplex operation simultaneously: Live, Recording, Playback, Network Operating 
Static, Dynamic IP and DDNS, P2P, Support Internet Explorer and Special Client Software
1xRS485, 2 × USB, 1xRJ45(10M/100M adaptive Ethernet interface)
2 SATA Hard Disk Interface (2.5"/3.5" SATA, Up to 12TB)
Backup: USB2.0 (such as U disk, USB Drive) and network
Support remote view by Mobilephone (iPhone, iPad, Android Phone)
Power consumption: DC 12V  ≤10W (Without Hard Disk)
Dimensions (L×W×H): 310*295*46(mm)     Weight: 3.5kg

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